have been accuced of favoring the 360 and hateing on the PS3 while Shane Satterfield Editor In Chief has said in numorus times that there isn't any malicious activity its kinda hard to defend the following blog written by one of the video editors at
"Look, I'm sick of all the kerfluffle about how GT is biased towards 360 and how GT favors 360 and how GT hates on PS3. That ends now! The fact remains that 360 has just released better content than PS3. Period. See what I did there? I put a period after Period. That means conclusion; the end of discussion. The reason why GT gives 360 games better scores in the reviews is because the games are simply better experiences. The main reason for this--and it is often an overlooked and underestimated one--is because the 360 controller is a far superior gaming device than the Sony controller. This is to be said within the context that we are talking about influential, significant, market moving franchises--eg. Gears of War 2, Call of Duty, GTA 4, Halo 3 for crying out loud! Have you tried playing any of the previously mentioned multi-platformed titles on the PS3 with that awkward, unintuitive Sony controller? It simply cannot compete. The 360 controller's design is sleeker, more form fitting, and lends itself to a much more instinctual gaming experience. That Sony controller has been around for how many years now? It's time to update, reinvent, and innovate, and that's exactly how Microsoft has managed to stay ahead of the curve. I had posted a forum about this very topic and got reported for inciting a flamewar as they call it. Before the forum could evolve into a discussion it was taken down, but I did receive a very constructive critique about my thoughts from a fellow GT member who claimed that the PS3's D-pad was superior to the 360's, especially in fighter games, to which I give him credit and agreement. However, this goes without noting that I was focusing on major blockbuster titles like the Halos and the Gears and the Call of Duty's; titles that move consoles and market share. Sony not only needs to update its controller, but it also needs to incorporate it with an enjoyable, story-driven exclusive franchise to rival the mind-blowing Microsoft heavyweights Gears of War and Halo franchises. Do this, and you shall live. Do it not, and every one of you will die today."
there you have it what's my take on this frankly I'm shocked that gametrailers would hire someone who thinks like this and I don't trust them anymore for my gaming needs how can I know if there PS3 videos are legit if someone who thinks like this is working on them, whats your take on this