Longest journey ever!
by upbcm on Comments
I just took the longest journey ever in Guld Wars! I traveled (with a full party) from Surmia to the Gates of Kyrta! Im so close to Lions Arch! Wow the Shiverpeaks are hard without a group. It wa great. My party was awesome. Me and 5 other people. Really great. I would put there names in but I can't remember them. There on my friends list though. The sand in Kryta is really glaring on the eyes when you just leave the ice caves. I can't wait to hunt drakes. Sounds really fun. I'm lvl 14 now. Elementalist Ranger. I should probably get a new pet. my old one died in my second co op mission. Anyone want to contact me my characters Boot C. As in Bootsy Collins. It was funny because one person called Theolonious Funk (as in Theolonious Monk) realized that. Anyway im finshed ranting. That was really really fun. Im gonna go rate Guild Wars 10.