What a day Becky appears to have started a bout of colitis; Sarah's moping around the house looking half dead (she's been out for the last three nights drinking and then up very early for work - why sleep?) saying she's got swine flu (she'd better not have as I've got the underlying health problems that don't go well with it); and now Richard's been on the phone saying he's dying!!!! He's at his girlfriend's and they were out drinking last night. Do they just have hangovers or do they have something worse? And me? I'm waiting for the delivery van to bring my shopping, he's got 40 minutes then he's late
Today is cold but sunny and I'm back in sweaters and slippers, with jeans of course! I'm sniffly but I'm sure it's nothing worse. I have to get a flu injection the week after next, then I suppose I'll have to get a swineflu one if Sarah hasn't already finished us off!!!
I'm not sure about Becky as she's acting quite normal around the house so I've got my fingers crossed (it's very difficult to type with fingers crossed!) that it's just a false alarm. We're off to the vets again on Friday, last week she was talking about scans and operations, I really hope the tablets kick in more efficiently.
Shopping's here got to go.