A quick bit about me.
by usirlain on Comments
"Call me Ishmael..." And you'll likely never get my attention, but I always wanted to start off something with that line. I've been playing games since I was four and my cousin would yell at me for touching the Zapper to his screen as I played Duck Hunt. Fastforward one year of chores and birthday money later and I bought my own NES. The first game that was bought for me was Legend of Zelda with the gold cart. I was too stupid to play it. My parents returned it and I picked out Fester's Quest. I was so bad that I never made it past the sewers. I suppose that's what happens when the only way to can judge a game is based upon how radical the two 1.5x1.5 inch screen shots on the back of the box and the sweet ass cover art. Anyway, I'll wrap this up for now before it turns into an autobiography, or at least before I'm require to use a paragraph break.
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