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uwillbow2me Blog

yeah....random thoughts

So today has been a pretty awesome day. First of all no school today or tomorrow thanks to teacher workshops and veterans day. So I was able to sleep in late, then I spent a few hours with Final Fantasy XII.

I love that game. Anybody who disses the battle system is wrong. There's a lot of depth. You're not programming the AI to play the game for you, you're programming it to do the crap that you don't want to do. I just passed the 20hour mark and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface. THe world is so big. I'll probably be playing this for the majority of my time until either Gears of War or Guitar Hero II show up from Gamefly.

Believe me I would have Gears of War by now if it wasn't so close to Christmas. I gotta save all my money so I can buy people presents and crap. :/ No worries, I'll rent it, play a couple missions, get my ass handed to me in some online multiplayer, then wait till I get the game on Christmas to finish it.


Spiderman 3

A new trailer is premiering tonight at 10pm (or depending on your time zone, 5+ hours from now. You can catch it on many TV stations such as Comedy Central or you can see an HD version right here :

I'm so excited for this movie and I'm sure it will be the best one yet.

Speaking of 3s...

Playstation 3.

 First of all I'm pretty excited even though I have no intention of getting one any time soon. I'm just happy that all 3 systems will be out in a few more days. Hopefully I'll be able to find a demo kiosk and if I do, hopefully they won't break as easily as the 360 ones did. If I do get one, it'll be thanks to my sister who bought me my 360.

Secondly this ad:

scares me. I probably never would have seen it if it weren't for Rich mentioning it on The Hotspot. Thanks a lot. I'll never sleep again :P

This next part is a really old issue.  I was surfing IGN (don't flame it's a good site, not as good as GS or 1up though) and they had a couple small tidbits about FFXIII and FFversusXIII. Nothing good, just some developer quotes. But this prompted me to go back and watch the trailer again and I realized that these games are going to make me spend $600(assuming they come out before a price drop). The trailer looks as good as the CG cutscenes from FFXII and the combat looks incredibly fun. I can't wait till the next E3 or Gamepro thing or whatever the hell the biggest event will be. Anyway that's all old news we've all seen the trailer.

Okay I'm done blogging for now. Nobody reads this anyway. The rest of the night I'll be playing more FFXII, watching On the Spot (awesome lineup tonight), then sitting at my computer mashing refresh until the new SM3 trailer goes up.

GH2: How could this happen?

Let me start by saying that I'm a HUGE fan of Guitar Hero, and despite some gripes with the soundtrack, I'm very excited for Guitar Hero II....or at least I was.

This Video:

has made me fear Guitar Hero II. watch it. LOOK AT THE SOLO 2 MINUTES IN. A hideous bombardment of notes that goes on 3 times as long as a full star power could propel me through. This is ridiculous. I'm sure some people could do this but what the hell. In Guitar Hero the only thing I fear in a song is when they constantly have you hit G,R,Y,G,R,Y,G,R,Y or something like that 1000 times. I SUCK AT HAMMER ONS AND PULL OFFS. THIS IS INSANE. Practice mode or not there's no way I could ever do this song. I was good at Guitar Hero, I didn't 5 star every song, but I got through every song on expert several times. If there are too many songs like this on the soundtrack then I'll have to cheat my way through certain songs. You may be thinking: "well why would you do that obviously if you can't beat that song you can't beat the songs past it." Guess what, if you think that, you're wrong. I could play through Free Bird backwards on mute before I could complete a solo like that. AHHHHHHH My fingers are going to fall off

**EDIT** I'm stupid. :P I forgot that that song is a bonus song :D but still, if there are too many solos like that in the licenced track list I'm gonna die. BTW I'm still wicked stoked for this game

GameStop FTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

isn't it great when every flyer that comes in the mail, every website, and  the gamestop newsletter thats emailed to me all say that Dead Rising will be available today, but the local Gamestop doesnt get the game till tomorrow? Yea thats doesnt make me wanna strangle anyone...really it doesnt.

%^#$%$@#%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to kill some $#%#$^%ing Zombies NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Surely I've mentioned how much I HATE Jack Thompson...

I don't want to get off on a rant here, but why in the world are police taking advice from Jack Thompson? Does he have credibility of any kind? How the hell did he even become a lawyer? Lynul Hutz from The Simpsons is 10 times the lawyer JT will ever be. What annoys me the most is this quote:

"Nobody shoots anybody in the face unless you're a hit man or a video gamer"  Obviously he's an idiot-he forgot that one would also shoot somebody in the face if they were killing Jack Thompson-or at least I would.

In case you haven't read the article I took this from, you can find it right here


I decided to give the name a few days to set in before posting my opinion about it. Well, it's been 4 days and my thoughts can still be easily summed up in 3 letters: W-T-F!?

I actually believe that Ben Silverman at Game Revolution nailed it when he said "Wii, however, is a big goddamn mess. It's a terrible name, flat out, and anyone who tries to argue otherwise is in a state of denial so profound they'll need a map to find their way back to the real world (which I'm sure some old crone is willing to sell them for 100 Rupees)." The link is in my sig

Honestly, who other than a Nintendo fanboy can actually accept this name? Ths system is going o do something huge and the name should reflect that. It should make a statement (and no, that statement shouldn't be "We're retards who can't spell"). I understand that "Revolution" wouldn't have been the best name for a worldwide console but seriously, Wii? What the hell? I love how the fanboys will defend it by saying something along the lines of "Nintendo is targeting the mainstream audience and 'Revolution' wasn't a good name to do that" How in the world does "Wii" do a better job of accomplishing that task. How does it appeal to the mainstream audience and non-gamers when somebody needs to explain what the hell the name is supposed to mean? Call me stupid, but something doesn't make sense here.:?

 People will also defend by saying "Well other console names and brand names sounded weird at first" Once again, I'm going to pull a quote from GR "And for real, people are arguing. Nintendo PR guy Matt, by all accounts a kickass dude, actually tried to compare Wii to Yahoo, or Virgin Airlines, or, you know, any other company or product name that might seem weird to a layperson. However, all those other names actually MEAN things and are written in proper English. They do not require a one-sheet explanation or a kooky theory about oceans. They do not provoke the brain into awkward cartwheels as it tries to configure the proper sound of two lowercase i's in succession. They might not be great names, but they are at least NAMES, not esoteric concepts."

Once again GR nailed it, like they usually do. I guess I'll end my rant here, but in case I didn't get my point across: I think the name sucks more than a Oreck vacuum cleaner, and this was a big mistake on Nintendo's part.

I hate Hilary Clinton

:evil:I can't stand her. If you agree with all this GTA:SA BS then I'd like you to wear tin foil on you're head so I know who you are and I can throw a rabid cat on your face. How can she blame ESRB for all this crap? How can they change the rating of a game because of some sex? It's perfectly well and dandy to shoot a rocket launcher into a crowd of people and run over their corpses with a stolen car, then proceed to run over some more people and finally, when you get bored doing that, go and snipe some random people from on top of the gun store. Thats great who cares!?! But once you see a pixelated boob, ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!:evil: