The only things that "ruined" gaming, as you put it, are people b*tching about which console can do the most calculations per second or which has the "coolest games" and the general public (so called hardcore gamers included) buying the same crap re-releases from the same companies with added shine. I've owned almost all the consoles throughout the spectrum of gaming (Xbox, Ps1 and 2, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Nes, Master System, all the way back to Atari) all of them had "hardcore" (Elite anyone?) and "casual" games (who hasn't played mario or sonic?) and i still just consider myself a gamer. To conclude, nothing has ruined gaming, just gamers attitudes have changed, if gaming was ruined then we wouldn't play, would we.
Unfortunately it doesn't work, just tried it, doesn't even appear in the official compatability list, you may have to wait for Sony to decide if they want to bother with it.
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