Adventageous [spoiler time]
by vaejas on Comments
Advent Children is certainly enjoyable in full theatre-quality sound and video. Disc 2 features are a treat. Disc 1 FF7 recap is enjoyable. We used to appreciate gouraud graphics like that... but I do like seeing a dialogue box subtitled in seven languages. That's mass-market appeal. HOW could this have taken so long without them bothering to re-sync the lips? Yes, I'd hoped.. almost prayed.. the time and budget was enough for resyncing an accurate translation. Sadly sadly no. And of course they over-dub a little. Yes, Cait Sith is Gaelic, but in what universe is he meant to have a Scottish burr? Actually watching the dub with English subs is most entertaining; when it isn't outright scary. Rufus: The Nightmare begins. (Haa!) Sub-Rufus: It's Nightmare Junior. (Huh?) Reno: Hello... Rude: Sub-Reno: Holy... Sub-Rude:**. Denzel: Sonnuvab**ch! (He's what, 10?) Sub-Denzel: You are dead! ... Sub-Denzel: I'm going back to the bar! Cait: Crikey lass, shut yer mooth! (WTF?) Sub-Cait: Wheesht lassie, shut yer geggie! (WTF!?) -V- Dilly....dally? O_o Nooooooooooooooooo..........