vaejas / Member

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Of data, and bases.

Nearly at level 21 now, I can almost taste it. Now if only we could change our aliases, essentially copying our profiles to a new account. I can pay to have my XBL Gamertag changed, I can pay to migrate my WoW or FFXI character (if I played them). Is the GameSpot database really so sprawling that it would cause grievous glitches?

Yesterday I had a marathon game session with a buddy. The last time we had the chance was back at Hallowe'en for the FFXII launch. I've maybe played 10 hours of FFXII since then... /busysigh. Anyway, I brought my Wii360 and got to try out his PS3, so we had all the current-gen machines in one room and I was expecting the walls to start bleeding! What's the term.. Wii-pee-sixty-ess-three? :P I'm pretty good at Resistance, and not so good at GranTHD, which is to be expected. I find flOw for the PS3 is about twice as enjoyable as the PC Flash version, so that's excellent. The Sixaxis is far too light for me, and I'm looking forward to a model with rumble I'm sure is in the works now. I suppose one can just crack open the houseing and add weights to it. Maybe ball bearings for a little tactile feedback?

On the Wii side I pretty well convinced him that it's worth getting one. Sports stole the show, and Virtual Console sealed the deal. I really like that 60-80 year folks are enjoying the Wii. Nintendo as usual has met its goals of diversity and been profitable to boot! Thanks Nintendo! You make the world a happier place.* I rented Sonic and we were bored to death with the tutorial. Yes it's a new control scheme, and yes we like a practice area, but please don't lock the beginning of the game and make the tutorial required. Twenty years ago I didn't need to read the manual for Metroid. Visually it's great. Nice save pulling the license out of the gutter, Sega! No hard feelings, k? I can forget about the Phantasy Star IV guidebook incident.

On the 360 side I really love SotN. The fully pixelated graphics are more to my taste. Two glitches I find on the menu screen: on a VGA display the XYBA button icons are miniscule, and I still can't get the morph buttons to remap. It just doesn't take. TMNT 1989 plays really well but I think the conversion is a hatchet job. The sound is tinny without any bass, the intro was cut for size, and the controls become broken at game over. Got continues left? Can't enter your initials. Got more than one player? You're entering the same initials for everybody.

Note to Digital Eclipse: Either your game testers suck, or your testing budget does. No excuses.

Okay, now I need to reconnect the 360 so I can try Earth Defence Force. Mmmm, rockets + bugs = fun.


*Nintendo enthusiast. With pictures of me playing my DS, standing in front of the Kyoto HQ. ;)