Once again another long-anticipated PSP game is delayed.
Pursuit Force won't see my screen until the spring. I have all but given up on the PSP as a game platform and now consider it along the lines Sony is pushing with each new firmware update:
a multimedia device.
It's great for photos, video clips, magazines, and all that other *cough* good 1.5 stuff. Plus I got to explore Akihabara trying to find one. (Didn't. First store in Shibuya.) So there's nostalgia. It's a keeper, but not a gaming system by any means.
Hopefully my brother will come through with a UMD of Tron for Xmas. I'd better remind him.
Meanwhile it's time to find a Char^H^H^H^H Hot Rod Red DS on eBay. Look! Innovative first-party software! Thanks Nintendo. I'll preorder a Revolution controller too. We tight.
I'm honestly not sure why any blog post I've cared to write has been so pessimistic. Normally I'm quite easygoing with little to complain about. ;) Ah well, while I'm on a roll, it's depressing to suspend my City of Villains account due to lack of time. It's certainly fun enough, but I can't pay $15 / month to have a fourth job. ^_^;
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