That's wiird man. O_o
Okay, other than needing a paragraph of designer's intent, Ii think it's a nice enough metaphor play, especially in Japanese. And it's not just a Nintendo system anymore, they (we) are a pluralty with TurboGrafx and Sega games.
Let's check the menubar up top there, hmm, every next generation system is going to have a three letter short form. That's pretty important I'd say. Rev? Well sure it's an energy-beverage and implies a rumbling engine under the hood... I didn't think they were planning to follow that particular track, as it were...
Uber clevar offshoots:
Y'know how SNES games were Super-everything? Here we go: Wiind Waker; Twiilight Priincess; Mariio; Metroiid.
Nintendo Wii-Fi
I know it's not how you pronounce the director's first name, but I find a football game called "Wii Bowl" amusing in a pathetic way.
Even Miyamoto-sama liked the Rev' of course. So after we have six months to adjust, I'm sure all will be forgiven. Seeing as the price stands to be half of the PS3 I've no reason not to preorder one.. or two.
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