vaejas / Member

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Wii-kend War-wii-or

I just want to take a moment and thank Gamespot for pulling no punches in their Wii reviews. Several of these half-baked, re-warmed Wii-makes are getting skewered, and I suspect rightly so. A smooth hardware launch is only half the picture. The hype machine is over, and I cannot plunk down $40-60 on any of these titles (except Zelda & Metal Saga) without a rental first. (And don't get me wrong, Zelda has its issues.)

Even the choices for Virtual Console are.. dubious, and I'm perhaps slightly annoyed that the lack of demos makes me have to research if Solomon's Key is really as good as I remember. Oh well, looking forward to more time, more content, and more GAMES!

Here are some choice links, blogs, and news excepts in no particular order.

Make or Break:

12/11 Brits buy 50,000 Wiis in 12 hours
12/08 Q&A: Nintendo's Rob Lowe on the UK launch
12/07 Nintendo looking into broken Wii straps
12/07 UK launch: Wii draws the crowds
12/06 Nintendo Wii's quiet Aussie launch
12/01 Wii sells out across Japan
12/01 Japan counts down to Wii launch
11/28 Colbert KO's Wii
11/28 Wii Sims get Mii-ish makeover
11/27 WSJ: First cases of "Wii Elbow" reported
11/27 Over 600,000 Wiis served
11/23 /. Wii-fi reverse engineered
11/21 TG-16 games arrive on Wii
11/20 CNN Tiny Springs
11/19 CNN Wii's midnight launch goes smoothly
11/19 Wii, Reggie take Manhattan
11/19 West coast launch: Gone with the Wii
11/18 Wii: Hello to Hollywood
11/18 Q&A: Reggie preps for the launch
11/18 Wii Play confirmed for North America
11/18 Virtual console up and running

11/18 Wii warriors fill streets of Manhattan
11/17 Nintendo wanted $100 Wii
Wii NYC: The line starts here
11/16 Some Wii channels tuned out

Reviews: (13-Dec-06 from 19-Nov-06)
(Gamespot score & GameRankings average with 4+sites)
GS:8.3 ~ GR:72% : Super Monkey Ball (from 77%)
GS:5.1 ~ GR:75% : Excite Truck (from 74%)
GS:7.2 ~ GR:73% : Call of Duty 3 (from 82%)
GS:5.1 ~ GR:43% : GT Pro
GS:8.4 ~ GR:84% : Madden
GS:8.0 ~ GR:79% : Raving Rabbids (from 80%)
GS:8.8 ~ GR:95% : Twilight Princess (from 97%)
GS:7.8 ~ GR:77% : Wii Sports (from 80%)
GS:6.0 ~ GR:75% : Tony Hawk (from 80%)
GS:8.0 ~ GR:83% : Trauma Center (from 81%)
GS:5.5 ~ GR:65% : Red Steel (from 66%)
GS:5.1 ~ GR:59% : Rampage
GS:7.1 ~ GR:80% : Marvel: UA

Blog entries:

The proper term is Nintendo Loyalist.