Yo, wussup to anyone reading this.
I really don't know why you are reading this but anyway lets get to the point i guess. There are a lot of games out there, and I must say freedom is one of my top priorities in a game. I mean a game could have the greatest graphics in the world but if the mobility of the game is poor, meaning you can't really explore anything, then i personally would hate it. So freedom being one of my top priorities, I like basically any game. First Person Shooter, Stratigic, RPG's, MMO's, they're all good. Just gotta get used to them sumtimes. Some of my favorite computer games include: Starcraft, Diablo, WOW, Flyff, Halo, Frets on Fire, Half-Life Counter-Strike, GTA3, I've got a few other games which I am unable to access at the moment becuase my dad **** with my computer including: Portal, Guild Wars, and a few others which I've forgotten names off. Beucase my dad **** with my computer I can't download/install any games. But hopefully that will change when i go get a Labtop. Anyway back to what I was talking about. I mean does ANYONE out there know the most hilarious game called DUNE 2000 I think it was . LMFAO I think that was one of the funniest games I have played in my entire life haha. Its a game Like Red Alert i forgot which one. But I would recommend that as an hilarious $5 low computer requirement game. If u have nothing to do i suggest u either go out and buy it or find sumwhere to download it, for an entertaining hour or 2 of what i have to say 1 of the funniest, and retarded games of all time.
Well to anyone reading this if u liked it i guess then find some means of contacting me to tell me what u think. This is my first blog ever so please don't be too harsh. If it sucked gimme a few pointers. Anyway LATER
Reach me here at GameSpot or my extra emailing account I_like_your_hair@hotail.com Thanks again!
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