As if anyone would ever trust Todd Howard. Professional liar. Him & Pete Hines.
valhallix's forum posts
Please have the characters made by the people in the community though. You really don't want a team full of white people making an Asian or black characters. Though I'm happy that games are getting more diverse.
What is this nonsensical stuff? You have to be the race of the character in order to create them? Black Panther was created by a white man. Full Metal Alchemist portrays a bunch of white people in a fictional German city and was made by Japanese people. If every one followed this idea. More than half of video game and fictional characters in general would not exist.
Mario gone, Half of anime characters gone, comicbook characters gone, bye bye Leon, Claire, Chris Redfield and his amazing abs since they were created by Japanese people but are White Americans.
Heck you could even apply this to more than just race. You said "have the team be from the community", so this would mean that Americans and Canadians shouldn't make European characters or games about Europe, since they're not really apart of those nations communities or cultures. So that's another large chunk of fictional characters gone. Also bye bye American movies about Vikings, Spartans and Romans lol. If you're not Italian, Greek or Norwegian you shouldn't be making movies about their ancients! lol
Diversity as in Bethesda, Ubisoft or CDprojekt? sure. Forced diversity in the way of Naughty Dog and Bioware? nah. I'm gay and even I have to agree with this dude.
Wouldn't be surprising. Unless you like MMO's (FFXIV) there's not much on the PS4. It doesn't have that star shooter. Killzone pales in comparison to TitanFall. Its big sandbox was overhyped but failed to deliver more than the usual (Infamous). Resogun was probably one of the best titles. I lol'd at the guy who called Infamous campaign quality. It was tripe, tripe we've played twice before. They did nothing new at all. They reskinned his powers, and every single one of them acts just like electricity did. The whole game you're fighting incompotent soldiers with terrible AI who can be taken down by a single chain whip. Its city is still empty, still lifeless. Only thing i'd say I liked was its graphics. Other than that as a game? Sunset Overdrive destroys pretty easily. Funny thing is Sunset Overdrive doesn't take itself seriously yet it still has more interesting characters than any in Second Son.
Games are supposed to be fun. Seems Xbox One is getting most of the fun titles. While PS4 continues to get try hard exclusives that don't deliver. Killzone & Infamous both were rehashed crap we've played last generation. Again i'm hyping Bloodborne atleast but The Order looks just like yet another "cinematic" on rails PS exclusive that I am so sick of. Forget all these QTE games we can barely play through GIVE US FUN GAMES.
Hype that's not based on much if you ask me. So far i'm getting more enjoyment out of my Xbox One. I'm rooting for Bloodborne but so far PS4 exclusives have been a snoozefest compared to X1's. Even with Infamous which I thought was going to be great pales in comparison to Sunset Overdrive and is just really a reskinned Infamous remake rather than a new game. Funny they talked so much about the special pedestrians then you play the game and its as empty and souless as the previous Infamous games.
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