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Hey man!

I'm level 8! It took forever. lol. I think because I don't visit any forums or anything very much anymore.

So I've been looking at EverQuest II lately.
Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I'm obsessed with MMORPGs and just can't make up my mind. Not really the case. I could go into detail about why I'm annoyed with World of Wacraft. I could try and explain why I'm not playing Guild Wars at the moment (my husband doesn't feel like playing, and I don't like going solo).

Unfortunately we (me and the husby) seem to have gotten ourselves into a little bit of a gaming lull. Now, we still play WoW sometimes. But the rest of the time we've got nothing. We went to Fry's over the weekend and bought Sid Meier's Pirates, which was fun for about 2 days. It's got a lot going for it, but it's just... too easy. So we tired of that quickly. And even though I bought Front Mission 4 (that same day), I guess I'm just not in the mood for any more TRPG games right now. I haven't even finished Stella Deus yet because I needed a break from the monotony. I've played every other game I want to play, I think, and so has my husband. So again, the lull.

Right, back to EQ2. In our desparate search for new gaming material, we went to Wal-Mart on Sunday night (all the game stores were closed). The only games that looked at all interesting, were ones we already have, and EQ2. So we decided to look it up when we got home. Now, I've been getting mixed reviews from people about it. For the most part it seems like a decent game, but not spectacular.

Some points about the game that really drew my attention:
  • there's no PvP whatsoever (PvP is my main gripe about WoW)
  • the gnomes look as fun as they did in EverQuest
  • you can be a rat! (aka ratonga)
  • there are something like 24 different classes to choose from
  • they claim to have fixed the major downtime issue from EQ
  • there's supposed to be a plethora of quests to do
  • the graphics are more cartoony and look very fun
  • you can build/design your own house
  • guilds get to design their own guild houses and there are guild quests and stuff

Some points about the game that didn't impress me:
  • it doesn't seem very different from the first EQ
  • you can only have 4 characters per account. not so bad, until you read the next complaint.
  • the class/rank up system is retarded. you can't even try out your final class until level 20, and if you decide you don't like it, too bad, there's no going back. you'll have to start a new character and get THEM up to level 20 to try something else
Overall, more good points than bad. What do you think? Is EQ2 worth looking into more, or should I just keep holding out for Vanguard: Saga of Heroes and try and find something else in the mean time?