I hate it when these twelve-year old Halo fans ask: "why does everyone hate teh halos?" Simple: because its a run of the mill, generic, overhyped, overrated, simplistic, average, mindless, and the fanbase is one of the worse. I played Halo on the Xbox a while ago with an open and objective mind but I found nothing special about it. The game consists of generic run and gun play with midly entertaining vehicle sections, but its repetitive, the A.I. is downright poor, and the level designs are horrific that are copy then pasted throughout, also the story is unengaging with a generic plot and the protaganist is bland typical space marine. The gunplay is so so with weapons that feel, look, and sound like plastic Fisher Price toys. I've been playing games since the 80's and FPSs since Catacomb 3D, I can safely say that Halo is not bad but fairly average at best and pales in comparison to other PC first-person shooters like: Wolfensten 3D Doom Duke Nukem 3D AVP Tribes Jedi Knight II Deus Ex No One Lives Forever Unreal Tournament Far Cry Crysis S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Team Fortress 2 Counter-Strike F.E.A.R. {It has the same faults as Halo but it's atmosphere, A.I., and combat make up for it} System Shock 2 {Especially this game} And most of all Half-Life Almost every Halo fan never played FPS on the PC before or they're easily blinded by marketing hype. The reason it receives all these "rave reviews" is because the marketing bribe Micro$oft puts out, look at the Gerstmann Gate Kane & Lynch for example. While the multiplayer is vastly superior it still out done by PC standards. Halo is like the Michael Bay action movies of FPS {which explains its popularity and sales} and its a casual baby's first FPS. IHalo is the Final Fantasy VII of shooters, a baby's first game and extremely overrated. There are even better console FPS like Red Faction and TimeSplitters. Halo also ruined the genre with that stupid regenerating health mechanic. Ignore the hype and the hate, and all you get is an average game. Also Halo fans, stop watching crappy Michael Bay action movies and watch good movies like The Visitor or Gomorrah.
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