Sega Genesis had so many great titles Robocop Vs. Terminator, Maximum Carnage, Mortal Kombat "Proper", and of course SONIC THE HEDGEHOG.
vamroc's forum posts
What no Sega Genesis love WTF
It is all about the games and XBO will simply have more established returning franchises in addition to new games
I know there was nudity in God of War, but I'm not sure if that game was ever ported to the xbox.
God of War will never be ported to Xbox as God of War was created and owned by Sony much like Uncharted, InFamous, Gran Turismo, Jak, Ratchet, Sly, etc.
Same goes for expecting Zelda or Mario on Xbox, or those gamers expecting Halo or Fable on other consoles that aren't Xbox.
Nice job completely missing the point of the topic.Yup, he missed the point like Ann Frank missed the first day back to school.
In the original Fabel you had a quest which involved having sex at a whore house over & over to gain a "Pimp Hat"
Last week I was going to preorder the Xbox One but I waited to this week. Now its sold out everywhere. Is amazon the only place left i can preorder? Does anybody have any idea how many consoles they get at launch?Xbox_One_Hulk
I know you could preorder XBO on X-Box Live but I haven't decided If I'm going to do it yet.
I think classic mob mentality is ruling out too many options on the xbox one. I'm not sure why people are so threatened by having extra capabilities along with their gaming console. The specs are impressive, although admittedly not mind-blowing. There are a few quirks for sure (kinect always on) but that doesn't mean that developers will be tied to motion control. It just means that it will likely be integrated in more ways. I really think had MS stayed too close to what the PS4 is offering, people would have blamed them for copying or losing their edge. The xbox one was poised, from a release perspective, to fail in the public eye. Not much could be done about that really. Had xbox one been announced first, the quirks would not be quite as apparent, and the PS4 would likely be blamed now for "missing options". Just my take, and could be wrong, but I'm interested in both. It's way way WAY too early to write either off at this time. i_noseworthyI too was on the fence but after seeing MSG V: The Phantom Pain, Halo V, and that INSANE new mech game I don't understand how anyone can piss & moan about the XBO and I've said it before MS is going win this console war too. Because it has a whole stable of established properties to build new games around that the PS4 just doesn't have in addition too all the ways The Kinectech is reshaping our world I can EASILY envision logging on to XBL, using Kinect via Smart Glass to pilot a Google Smart Car, and have it go pick up the wife & kids while I'm waiting for a table at my favorite Italian place to meet a client. That's the future MS wants for Kinect and games are simply the fastest route to put that tech in every home across the planet I'm in awe of the ramifications of what MS has accomplished with the Kinect. But games are important too and I think the PS4 is a solid system but what does it have too offer really so far we haven't seen anything in the way established brands it's been all about new titles, new features, and I'd bet money 50% of it's launch titles will be average at best. While XBO will have less to offer then the PS4 at launch I think the percentage of quality XBO titles will be better also it dawned on me that O being the first letter of the word one is a CIRCLE and what else is circle yup, you guessed it 360 degrees. Oh, those boys at MS are pretty clever HAHAHA
I'm willing to bet the cooling system (the fan) is not working so your system is overheating and shutting down
The I swear I'm not a PS4 Box
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