entry #7
by vargazm23 on Comments
i just ordered god of war a couple of days ago. robert and anthony have already beaten it and say its a top notch game, so i cant wait to pop it in my ps2. still havent played much of GT4 lately but i get about a game of mvp in each day and i still play halo 2 every night. a matter of fact halo has been soo awesome. me and kaleo have been playing a lot just me and him partnered with 2 random people. we have both jumped up 2 levels in just a few days.i'm a 15 for the first time and hes a solid 14 for the first time, so i'm pretty pumped about that. we have both been tearing it up getting mid teens in kills consistently and landing inthe 20's a couple times each night. i've topped out at 26 3 or 4 times in the last 3 days. i've probably reached 20+ kills 15 times this week alone. i still like to play with vex and blade every once in a while but when it comes to success its pretty obvious that me and k dawg are really a dynamic team. its kinda hard to explain too. i thought it was certain things but nothing really fits together. for now on, the majority of the time i play will be with k-dawg, robert or my brother. they dont play too often but when we all get together, it has been fun the few times we did. psp is sick......guys came to fix our leak in the bathroom and me and the guy were chopping it up about games, mainly xbox. so i busted out my psp and he was amazed. he couldnt believe how awesome it was. i started untold legends and the game is interesting, its fun and has some cool things but its not a great or even good game. i would say its a decent game and maybe give it an early score of 7.3- 7.5. but we'll see how it goes. gamespot gave it a 6.9 and the overall score is an 8.4. i wouldnt recommend buying it, but you should try it out eventually to see how you like it. it seems people either really enjoy it or think its a little shallow and has no depth. i'm kinda in the middle, but thats not anything new. jade empire just came out and looks sick, i deffinately have to pick it up when i get the chance, most likely in the early summer soon as i get a jissob, jissob.......jissob.