The beginning of this game will grab you, twist you around, and knock you off your feet like your favorite opening scene of an action packed movie (can you say Gladiator).
Although it has that old Resident Evil style and feel to it, it really utilizes and steps up to standards set by gamers in todays world. The controls and camera angle are slightly different and a little odd at first, and has a small but rather extremely important learning curve. What better way to make you learn the game than putting you right in the middle of a village, infested with crazed farmers driven by an unknown mysterious religion; with only the desire to kill you in the most gruesome way imaginable. Thats exactly what RE4 accomplishes. Overwhelmed with attacking villagers, you quickly become familiar with the controls as your forced to work you way around by running, climbing ladders, jumping around rooftops, flying through windows and working your handgun with precise accuracy. This all seems easy, right? After all, how hard can it be to out run and out think a bunch of crazy farmers with pitchforks and butcher knifes? Well, the computer AI has improved a great deal in this game. While in persuit of Leon Kennedy (main character) your enemy will walk, run, dodge, and attack you in any way and from anywhere they can to try and kill you. They almost always attack you in outnumbering ways or with blood dripping chainsaws hunting for the slab of flesh located right on top of your shoulders. The noise you hear from the chainsaw is enough to make you cringe and heart rate jump from one minute to the next. It only takes one confrontation with a chain blade for you to quickly learn your never safe and you can never stand still. Ready to take a breather from the pack of guys you just pounded and fight somebody one on one. Dont get too excited now, these bosses can be the final boss in any other game and will most likely require a trial and error process to beat them. You'll also come across different sub-bosses or other attacking enemies with different strengths and weapons. It offers a great change in pace to the game because you never know when one these monsters is going to attack. As in the rest of the game, these scenarios will force you to take on a different tactical approach each time. A well placed grenade can buy you just enough time so you can set up and pick enemies off from a distance with precise shots with your Semi Auto Rifle, equiped with a high tech scope. RE also inlcudes fantastic situations where you'll have to work with ashley in order to survive; whether it be pulling levers simultaneously, using her has a decoy or having her drive construction trucks as you fire off shotgun shells into enemies bombarding the bed of your vehicle. Frequent visits from Ada and Krasuer will be a nice treat to the original Resident Evil fans playing RE4. Without giving away the ending or ruining key parts in the story, you wont find out their motives for being here until the end. After beating the final boss, who I'll keep anonymous, the game doesnt end. you'll have to quickly run through obstacles and find your way to a jet ski and smash out of their before being engulfed by flames or a huge wave getting ready to crash down on top of you. Upon completion of the game, two mini games become available to you. You'll also be able to purchase new and powerful weapons on your second round through the game. Who said RE4 didnt have replay value; with the addtion of the new weapons and mini games, you'll be starting a new game faster than you did the first time.
RE4 also includes remarkable cut-scenes. The really are perfectly places throughout the game. Capturing and explaining key elements of the story, makes you feel a true cinematic experience. They never slow down the gameplay, a matter of fact; they're so well done, you'll be dieing to watch them again. Although the cut scenes look like your watching a DVD, dont put down the controller and grab the popcorn just yet. RE4 is non stop action and that includes the cut scenes as well. With no warning you'll be forced to react and make split second decisions by tapping certain buttons forcing Leon to perform awesome maneuvers; dodging enemy attacks. As the game progresses you'll have to perform these actions one after another rather quickly if you want to live.
Have I mentioned the graphics RE4 presents in this game. This is the greatest visual display I've seen on any console game to date. No detail is missed, distinct and unique eye colors, rotten and water logged wood beginning to split, Rusted metal, blood that for once looks real, and being able to identify the individual hairs on a person head are just a few examples of the outstanding job they did when developing this game. Not to mention some of the best use of lighting I've experienced as a gamer. I've never seen a game take place in a dark environment look the way this does. The details never diminish, whether your looking through a scope or looking at an object from the distance; the quality remains. Shooting knees, feet, shoulders, and airborn weapons making a B-line for your head wiill trigger different reactions and expressions from your enemy.
The action buttons which allow you to kickdown ladders and doors, leap through windows or suplex an attacking villager has brought something new to the resident evil community. The manevuers never take away from the value of the game or fighting scenes. In fact it really enhances the overall experience and makes you wonder why its taken so long to perfect this aspect of the game.
The audio work makes you feel like your in the game. If gives you the impression a villager is behind you or a parasite infested insect coming at you from the side. The sounds of the chainsaw will literally make you want to run for you life, and changing your boxers along the way.
With an aray of weapons, weapon upgrades and healing aides made available through hidden traders, it brings in a whole new element to the game. Finding and searching for valuable treasures, jewels, and gold holds more value than before. The strategy involved in what do with the money you collect goes deeper than the surface and simplicity of just buying a weapon. Do you go for the larger carrying case (enabling you to carry more items), upgrade one of your currenty weapons or get the sniper rifle you may only use on a few occasions, but a vital asset in key parts of the game. These are all decisions you'll have to make while encountering traders.
Taking all these aspects of the game, tie them together with a mind gripping storyline and you'll quickly begin to realize why RE4 is the best console game ever made. Resident Evil 4 has completely lived up to the hype everybody heard, and in many ways surpassed it. My candidate for game of the in 2005 has already been selected and in my opinion unmatched. I've never experienced a game that continued to get better from begining to end like this. The ending was as good as the begining and that says a lot. I give resident evil my highest recommendation; A game we will be talking about for years to come.