BC PS3 - u can either search for an older one but it'll be outta warrnty n might have signs of wear n tear. Or you can buy a slim PS2. i'll choose the second option considering the cost of repair of an Out-of-warranty PS3.
the experience of purchasing, unboxing and setting up ur brand new PS3 would keep u like :D for days
Dust. My kids are young and I tell them that I will kill them if they go near it.:D
Dittos on the kids thing. Every now and then I'll here that *beep* sound of the PS3 coming on and rush in the living room to either see my 2 year old with a sixaxis in his hands or my 4 year old with a barbie DVD in her hand. The thought of their little sticky, candy-stained hands touching my baby makes me cringe. :D Howwww cute..
Shadow of the Colossus for HD remake! PS2 hardware did not do it justice IMO. I'd rebuy it the very 1st day if it were upgraded to HD graphics as well.conquerorsaint
Far Cry 2 is better as compared to Mercs2.. The guerrila tactics involve stealth and surprize... FC2 does these both perfectly.. just travel around at night n make headshots with your sniper rifle (tranqulizer dart sniper rifle for complete stealth)
you can really experiment with mines and cars/vehicles..repeatetive gamplay really hurt the awesomeness of the game..
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