vastb005 / Member

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The Never Ending Story

Back from a great vacation, read a lot (not as much as I would have liked, but more than I was actually expecting to!) Time to catch up on forum postings and journals (have patience please, I will get there :) ) Meanwhile enjoying WoW as usual, been in the "Inner Sanctum" of Molten Core, though not taken down the ultimate bad guy yet.....its tough! Also exploring Azeroth from the Horde point of view, approaching level 30 with my Tauren Druid, and all I can say is ----- Druids rock!!!! ---big time!!!! Can definitely see her reaching level 60 eventually as well. I have spent so many hours in WoW I think I could have had 3 characters up to level 60 by now, but I have to confess to actually enjoying starting up and playing new characters, its very relaxing somehow. A side effect of all the different characters I try (or have tried) is that this has given me an insight into how other classes play, which I notice now with the high level instance dungeon work is a definite advantage to understanding and working with other players characters. Perhaps there will come a time when I will be saying....WoW...nah, can't be bothered....but its certainly not going to be anytime soon I think! For all those playing, continue having fun :) For those not, enjoy your games as well :)