[color=yellow]***POSSIBLE SPOILERS*** (Pirates) [/color]
I have only managed a few more hours with Pirates this weekend, as it turned out unexpectedly to be one of those times when life got in the way of gaming (it does happen from time to time!).
I am making real progress with this, and in fact I think I will soon have to retire. There seems to be a built-in automatic ager! I think on my next runthrough (yes, there will definitely be more than one runthrough!), I will concentrate less on the pirating side and more on the finding relatives, hidden treasure and cities quests.
This has been, very unexpectedly, a great game, definitely destined to be a classic. Though I generally encourage friends and relatives to borrow any of my games I believe they would enjoy, I think this is one which is not going to leave our house.
A real treasure trove indeed :D