@Kevin-V Well, duh Kevin! Its the same as when I went to a dealership and drove their Ford Focus around the parking lot for 30 minutes, that pretty much taught me everything I needed to know! And playing the demo is the exact same thing!
Anyone interested in buying this, do yourselves a favor. Get AC4 instead, the game is fantastic and fresh and if you're rocking a PC rig its $30 bucks on Amazon ($10 more than this game) and you can easily get 50+ hours in that game with all the exploration, side missions and naval combat.
@AggrandizedUser Why would they need to? What's the point? This isn't about arguing scores, its about pointing out whiny bitches and laughing at them. I'm guessing this is either your first episode of Feedbackula or for some reason you can't quite grasp the concept.
@bluefox755 @Lambchopzin I really doubt that you're demonized for your gender. Have you ever though it might just be because maybe you're an asshole or something? Just a thought, don't know you so I can't say for sure if you are or aren't.
@forneverbdocked Well you can either buy $400-500 systems with no games or a $100-200 handheld with a shit ton of games. Is it really that hard to decide?
@rmiller365 If Fallout is what your waiting for why not just get a PC? Its cheaper than console gaming and Fallout has one of the biggest modding communities ever, second only to Elder Scrolls.
vault-boy's comments