Usually the summer is my biggest time for gaming, but this summer has been a lot different. I went to Germany for two weeks and while I was there I let my friend borrow my Gamecube, because of course I wasn't going to play it and I wanted someone to get use out of it. Well, I didn't think about the fact that we would both be busy when I got back, so now I've been back for two weeks and still haven't gotten my Cube back. :(
Besides that, I've been very busy with work so I haven't even been playing what I have (my GBA) very much. Right now I'm playing Fire Emblem though. I have to say, that game is really a lot of fun and I'm not usually a fan of the strategy type games. Right now I'm on a difficult chapter. I've already lost one character and I promised myself I wouldn't lose any more, but in the chapter I'm on one of my characters (a different one each time) keeps dying. It's very frustrating because each time a character dies, I think "Ok, my strategy isn't working, let me try something else," but of course none of the strategies I'm trying are working. I'm going to keep at it though, because that's the only way you ever beat games! :)