@veesix24: Surprised to see Amazon is still selling it and for over £100! https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B003YBUSMW/ref=pd_aw_sim_sbs_63_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=MQERHYEMPTM09Z3BYZP0
I have only ever bought one product from madcatz but I was very happy with it. Back when I had my Xbox 360 I was looking for a steering wheel for it, Ms were no longer producing the official wheel (and they were selling on eBay for more second hand than RRP) and Logitech etc weren't making them so I bought the officially licenced wheel from madcatz for £70, the wheel didn't have rumble or FFB but it had the best pedal box I had ever used and made me fast enough that none of my friends using controllers could beat my lap times! It still works perfectly after 4 years and it's a shame it won't work on my Xbox one because the cheap wheels are awful now and it's gonna take some saving for me to afford something decent!
After playing motoracer2 on my PS I had high hopes for this game, I was going to buy it so watched some gameplay videos. Thank god I did, this has to be the worst looking games I have seen on the current gen of consoles.
I was such a Sony fanboy when the Xbox released, but I bought one cheap not long before the 360 released and was gutted I left it so long. Fable, pgr and Forza were awesome games (I never went back to Gt after playing Forza) and probably my best gaming experiences of the era.
veesix24's comments