On another note though, I'm SO looking forward to Diablo III! I never got into any of the other Diablos (for a variety of reasons), but this one looks amazing. Can't wait. Plus I have lots and lots of mates who are diablomaniacs that I can play online with. This is gonna be great! Starcraft 2 also looks awesome, even though I never got into the first one there either. Love how the Tyranids play... I mean the Zerg. It'll probably get me through the wait for dawn of war 2.
Andre23, Wow. You must really like Blizzard. It's not like GS said blizzards designs were bad. They (and their not the first to do so) aired the possibility that perhaps their games were conservatively designed. Which is not necessarily criticism, unless you make it so (which you just did). You know you could make TONS of money being able to see 500 years into the future, you know. If I said "Bioware appears to have [insert ambivalent verb here] game design", would that be blasphemy too, or is it just blasphemy to be vague about blizzard? Cos if it's only about blizzard, it's really only about your subjective taste, and trust me. Everyone has those, so what is it about yours that make them so special? Have you seen a movie? I bet you have. Have you ever said that a movie was bad? I bet you have. So why don't YOU make one BETTER?
@Mosannam Did you see the test results?? Jeez, man. Talk about inflamatory remarks COMPLETELY without any thought behind it WHATSOEVER. Think before posting.
vega666's comments