As threatened I have just started playing F.E.A.R. 2 and so far it's not too bad. I still don't see that it can better the original and I have already come across a couple of issues but I think it may still be a fun blast which was all I was after.
It seems that they are over playing the shock moments a little, they still make me jump at times but there's too much emphasis on things like a dramatic sound and visual effect when they occur which cheapens it slightly. The timing is good on the few occasions it has happened but they seem a little too proud of it and overblow it slightly.
There are also some technical niggles which detract slightly like the fact that you can shoot the glass out of some windows but not others and some areas you should realistically be able to access but you are blocked. Just cheap barriers really which I find an irritant. The background 'world' looks shabby too, there are some bits where they have put roads with traffic on that are just laughable. The traffic consists of far too many instances of vehicles (actually just the same car and coach constantly repeated) which, when going over crossroads, have the amazing ability to just fly over each other. It does not look good, I would rather the roads were just empty.
None the less it is currently serving its purpose.