It occured to me that it's been a while since I have plowed through a no brains, first person shooter. The nearest I have come recently is my dwindling time in L4D and BFBC2 and even those require too much thought for what I am after.The new Duke Nukem would have been ideal if it wasn't being thoroughly slated everywhere, certainly to the point that I'm not risking £30 on it. Not that I have £30 to spare anyway.
Then I remembered I had F.E.A.R. 2...
After playing the demo before it was released I never really had any interest in the sequel to F.E.A.R. (A fine game in my humble opinion) as it didn't seem to have the same spark, it wasn't as scary and the enemies AI was pretty laughable. But at some point in the past, during a sale, I picked it up on Steam and there, in my list of uninstalled games, it waited, dorment and unyielding to the fact that so many others were being chosen over itself.
Well now its time has come. It is the exact kind of game I need to play right now and I can finally establish if it is in any way worthy of its predecessor.