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velvetlightning Blog

Fallout New Vegas

I dont think i can wait for Fallout New Vegas to come outin October. Its just too far away. That game is going to be so amazing ill probably spend all week playing it till i just cant go anymore. People are complaining that there isnt enough improvements to the actual gameplay, and honestly, i dont mind at all. The less time spent on that, the more time spent on the rest of the game. I love Fallout 3 and i love that this is like relocating the game, adding a new plot, character, and quests. I think the game will be exeptional.

So many games....

As i recently joined this site, i have started to find the games i own and putting them in my owned list. I just noticed that gamespot tells you how much money you spent on your collection andi'm amazed at the number. I never paid attention of how much money was spent on my collection since my youth. I mean i didn't buy them all, some were gifts and freebies from friends. But overall i own that much money in games. (though gamestop would beg to differ with their prices for selling them games)

I only joined this site because IGN would no longer allow me to review games, and even if no one looks at it, i like to type down my opinion about the games i played.Buy ilike gamespot, its my one stop game spot.
