I disagree. I believe the game is worthy of a 10. Maybe a 9.8, honestly. EVerything was great about the game to the last green star, but i didnt like a few things. Really just the enemy killing minigames and the fact that you have to get 9999 star bits to unlock the final star. But i found the game to be everything mario galaxy was and more, which was the point of the game, to be a sequel. I think alot of people are hating on the hype because some of it was hard, well whats hard to you, is not to some people. Its not hard to me, i completly beat the game without much problems. And the amount of time to spend playing this game could vary but i spent a good while playing. I feel like if i spend money on a game, i play it to the very end. Meaning every star. People say there is hardly any replay value due to lack of real multplayer interface. Wii was never a big gunner for online play to begin with, so thats really not to be expected. And minigames is your second option, which really woudent add much, You buy Mario Party for minigames, not a full mario adventure game. And teo players on the same screen?? could you imagine the serious camera angle problems trying to follow two characters. I think they went above and beyond with this game and it deserves a high rating. People overlook the good too often to stare at the things that are not there they wanted. If they dont have what you want, it dosent diminish the great elements the game already has. With what the game has, not whati want it to have, they did exeptional with creating yet another amazing Mario game.
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