Honestly if you watched the above video and still found something to complain about then I think it might be time for you to find a new hobby. Video games aren't for you anymore, you've moved on.
I can't wait until this fad of being jaded and cynical is over. Game looks awesome.
Man I really need to stop reading the comments here at Gamespot. Everyone is so pessimistic and cynical all the damn time. People will see what their minds focus on which is nothing but doom and gloom. I read the same article and was excited for lower development costs and production times. Lower costs means a great chance for a publisher to make money, which means they will be more likely to take a chance on a new IP or a unique gameplay idea, rather than bank on a sequel.
@mario-nin-freak But where does it say the games will increase? In fact with shorter development times there is no reason to believe they won't stay the same with the added bonus of developers not needing to sell as many copies to make a profit and as such not being shut down left right and centre.
@navybluesilk You don't feel bad taking pleasure in someone's else's misfortune? Really? That is the type of person you're publicly telling others you are?
@triple_b2k I agree, this is how I feel. I've never played the PC version either and I'm enjoying this one a lot. It's opened it up to greater audiences and the best part is no one is forcing you to play a specific version. If you prefer the PC version it's still there for one to play.
Sometimes I think people go looking for reasons to complain. Imagine if they spent that same energy looking for the positive.
venasque's comments