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Raises Hand and Says, May I Be Excused? How the Earth Was Made - EDIT


o-o-o-o-o-o-o - o-o-o-o-o-o-o

Please visit LSS_Fanatic (Junk)

He's just suffered an unbelievable tragedy...
keep him and his family in your prayers

o-o-o-o-o-o-o - o-o-o-o-o-o-o

Big, Big, BIIGGG week comin' up for me.

Two Doctor's and one Lawyer's appointment (Mon, Wed, Fri) and a number of other little tasks in the next six days, so...

"May I please be excused," from spending more than just a little time here on 'til next Saturday or Sunday. I promise I'll stop in a coupla times to read some blogs (and recomment as needed). It's awfully important.



There is an amazing, two-hour documentary that will be replayed twice this Tuesday (here in the states) on the History Channel. It's called...

How the Earth Was Made

DVD Info
(I've got it on DVR and VHS)

Other Reviews

... and it is one of the most informative, entertaining and meaningful two hours of programming you could ever hope to watch. If you are a Human Being, on this planet, this is stuff that you just have to know.

Oh, you could go to University and spend four years majoring (and/or minoring) in: Astrophysics (the formation of our Galaxy, Solar System and Planet); Geophysics (how are planet has evolved over the past 4.5 billion years); Biology (how plant and animal life has evolved over the past 3.5 billion years); Climatology (earth has gone from being molten with no water to being encased in mile-thick ice 650 million years ago); Anthropology and Archeology (how humans have evolved and how dinosaurs roamed the earth and then were wiped out in a matter of weeks 65 million years ago), and several other lesser disciplines that would help put everything into better perspective.

Or... you could watch this program (two hours) and/or get the DVD (90 minutes) and skip the 40 hours or so a week for nine months a year for four to six years it would take to get basically the same information.

I'm sure you could also read three or four (really thick) books that might give you most of the information contained in this show, as well.

But whatever you do, make sure you avail yourself of this information. You owe it to yourself as an inhabitant of the world we live in.

How much did I like it...
I wrote my first Review - or submission -
in close to three months about it.


Woke up early this morning and couldn't find much on TV until I surfed by Turner Cla$$ic Movies (it won't even let you type in the name of a network - sheesh) and saw where back-to-back Humphrey Bogart movies were playing.

As I was watching, first, Dark Passage (1947) and then High Sierra (1941 - Bogey was made up to look older in this one then the 1947 movie), I was kinda swept back into the 1940s as I saw all of the vintage cars as well as three locations that I have visited more than once in my lifetime (San Francisco, Arizona and the Sierra Nevadas).

Lauren Bacall was stunning in Dark Passage (as well as Key Largo and others), and it amazed me that these two fell in love, got married and from all reports were very happy together until Bogarts death (despite some 20 years difference in their age).

In High Sierra, if there was ever a 40ish, scrawny, little 5-6, 3-packs-a-day smoker who scared the hell out of you, it was Bogey. Oh, and I heard words like 'dame, soda-jerk and jitterbug' in this one.

In Dark Passage, if ever there was a stunning, 20ish 'dame/dish/skirt' to make you do whatever you had to so that you could meet in a romantic, seaside resort in Mexico at the end of the movie, it was Bacall.

Bogie and Bacall
(what a story - what a life)
Was gonna YouTube 'Key Largo'
but it won't load for me...
you should search it and listen...

See you soon...


p.s... is anyone else having a problem with YouTube? Everytime I click on it now, it says 'program not responding' and I have to close that browser entirely.
