I played street fighter far more than any other fighting game out there. I began playing king of fighters during the playstation one days. I was hooked on king of fighters 94. King of Fighters is pretty fun; but I kind of lost track of game after that. It wasn't until I visited some new arcade spots that my interest in king of fighters returned. King of Fighters 12 was lacking in characters, but the gameplay and animation was solid. The art style of the game was the art style I wish many 2D fighting games still had. The art style fits. I am not taking anything away from what capcom did with street fighter 4. I thought capcom did a nice job; but I just feel 2D art would have been the better choice. I would just like to thank SNK, Ark Works, and other companies for keeping 2D a live.
KOF 12 has an art style I have been looking for. It reminds me of games like street fighter third strike and garou mark of the wolves. The use of counters in KOF 12 added a new wow factor when a counter connects... a loud bang and the screen zooms in to showcase combo carnage. Very nice....
Then I played KOF 13. I was already convinced that the game will sell well in October after playing the game for 20 minutes. It has the art style of 12, but the sprite are a bit smaller and sharper. The characters seem to move a bit faster and the characters have more move variety. There is also a better character selection. The visuals of the game is still stunning and the neo max moves are quite spectacular. It looks like KOF is back and better than ever.
I am impatiently waiting for the release of street fighter third strike: online edition as well. The look of the game and the music always kept me pumped up. And the animation is just great. Plus I finally will get to the play the game online. I always knew this day would come, I just didn't know when.
2D fighters are back...bady!!!!