Firstly, I have no idea why this blog is pink. Just think pink marshmallows and it might not be so irritating. Though easily rectified, I decided to leave the blog as is because I actually rather like it. Feel free to panic if I make it habit.
I'm a day late but I just noticed that I have now been Gamespotting for one year. Yes, I joined last Independence Day. Heh, we're not celebrating now that we know that, are we? Muahaha. I realise blogs that mark such a milestone tend to be of the "read that title, 'nuff said" persuasion, but I was actually really stunned to realise that I'd spent a year regularly hanging out here.
So, to be unnecessarily pensive and reflective and deep and all that heartbreaking stuff, I decided to think about whether or not this year on Gamespot has been worth it.
The cold hard statistics of this stand as follows, annotated:
Level: 24 (80.51%) Rank: I Feel Asleep!!
(Think that's a little fast for one year myself.)
Total Posts: 3563
Total Messages Read: 135433
(Hear that? That's Elle's eyeballs screaming on their indignant high horse that yes, at last, they have statistical proof that I have abused them with too many messages from the crazies that reside here. I have for some random reason been called superwoman several times over the course of my stay here. Sadly superwoman never existed so I lack a frame of reference as to whether that's a compliment. However I can confirm that eyeballs that talk to me are my coolest superpower. They ride high horses too often though. Though I believe Shetland ponies are also in their repertoire. )
Profile views: 34777
(That's um...kinda creepy.)
Friends: 109
(That's you good people. This number sort of bounces around randomly as I track and untrack people. I'm happy to say I have some good memories of interesting conversations with many if not all of you. Thank you. Very, very much.)
People Tracking Me: 274
(That's you good people plus others who for various reasons I did not track back. Usually just because you got the impression that the roamed cyberland tracking silently sans personality.)
Games in Collection: 80
(It's actually much more than that, but I'm so terribly lazy at completing the rigmarole that is the game homepage> add this to my games> add to my collection> oh I've interest already > mm, chocolate)
Forum Posts: 3563
(Mostly these days invested at the Monkeys Writing Shakespeare Union founded with some good friends. Leading the union has been a really interesting learning experience too. Thank you to all the monkeys, you're actually ridiculously awesome.)
Comments: 0
(Ah, a reminder that this is glitchspot. On the contrary, I have greatly enjoyed reading all your blogs and having conversations with you in the comments box. It's been fun.)
My Blog Posts: 100
(Nice, round number. 101 with this post now.)
Union Blog Posts: 25
Written Reviews: 3
(Will get round to writing more)
Rated Games: 13
Videos Uploaded: 0
Images Uploaded: 0
(I DID at one point try to upload a picture, but my artistic enthusiasm stupidly blinded me to the fact that it was perhaps not appropriate for the innocent eyes of pubescent gamers and would be censored. I can innocently tell you that it was a picture of a tree. Conversely, I can not-so-innocently declare that this tree looked awfully like a beautiful naked woman. Haha.
I suppose I should re-upload some of my art instead of just giving you glimpses from photobucket.)
Digg Referrals: 1
(An accidental click on the shovel icon you know you nothing about and you get this little statistic)
Tags: 88
(Yes, I wasted a portion of my early days performing this mundane act of altruism in a supposedly Flirtatious manner.)
Other things I'd like to note:
Most longstanding active commenter and friend: Orkhammer007 I do believe. And every single one of them made me laugh. :) Thank you Orky!
Favourite comment, taken out of context for extra laughs, also my first encounter with fionnbharr:
That was one of the best blogs I've read in a long time - you should have PMS more often!! (my emphasis) Erudite, witty and profound; what more could one ask for in a blog?
And I have to pay respect to anyone named veni-vidi-vici.
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with. W. C. Fields (1880 - 1946)
The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection. Thomas Paine (1737 - 1809)
Most gratuitous blog: The S Saga
Consistent favourite blogs: 31160618, GabuEx
Banner and avatar changes: 5 each
I joined just to read game news, then to write reviews, then somehow I started blogging and reading other's blogs and... here we are. I didn't understand half the weird acronyms on here and to date I still don't think I've ever used the word that starts with l and ends in l and has an o in the middle, except maybe in quotation. Before joining I actually had no idea how to blog or even to post on forums, as I mostly used the internet for school research. Yet somehow during this time I've learned the meaning of the verb "soapbox", and how to complete said verb, and stumbled into the leadership role of a union full of people I respect. So I've learned lots, laughed LOTS, and become surprisingly good friends with people from tracking and being tracked, and so a big THANK YOU to each and every one of you for being part of my GS experience. My anal-retentive memory with forget none of you. That is possibly a threat. Or really sentimental. Or something. :P
Hope I squeezed a smile out of you at least once. Come on! Come on! :D :D :D
Fine, I'll bake muffins for you all too! :)It's genuinely been a pleasure knowing you. *gives you a moment to hurl at the saccharinity. And I promise it's not the muffins*
Thank you!