Saw Guardians Vol.2 3 days ago and it was awesome! You are gonna love it :)
Saw Guardians Vol.2 3 days ago and it was awesome! You are gonna love it :)
Hello. I recently started using VPN in the UK, however, I noticed that I get very slow speeds when using UDP, TCP and SSTP protocols, but lightning fast ones when on L2TP. The problem seems to be unaffected by switching different server locations.
With UDP, TCP and SSTP, it still works fine, but I get several seconds of delay when internet browsing, for example. I run on Windows 7. I tried running UDP on my gf's laptop (Windows 10) and there it works fast.
Any suggestions on what the problem might be? I have very good ISP speeds and no viruses on my laptop.
Thank you and appreciated.
Since I usually play shooters on my own (BO3, Battlefront, BF4) and don't have any friends with a PS4 here in the UK, will I be able to play BF1 on my own? I enjoy playing BF4 as a lone wolf, but do you think it will be possible with BF1?
I mean, I will still be a team player (helping teammates, playing the objective, etc.), but not communicating with anyone in parties, voice chat, etc except the commo-rose of course. I've been using only the commo-rose as a team communication system so far and had no problem with it. But whenever I go and ask people about this, they tell me that BF in general is franchise that requires a lot of team play, voice chatting, communication in order to "work" and be enjoyable. I however, prefer playing as a lone wolf.
Do you think it is possible to play and enjoy BF1 without friends? Thank you.
I am currently watching Game of Thrones and I love it! I am searching for a PS4 title with a similar atmosphere and gameplay. Can you recommend me such game? Something that isn't too hard to master and is fun to play, as well as having similar brutality to GoT. Only titles with the same atmosphere I can think of right now are The Witcher 3 and Shadow of Mordor. As for brutality, Doom comes to mind.
You know this awesome feeling when you shoot someone in-game and the physics and hit detection of the game are so good, that you instantly want to score more? Which FPS has done this for you? You can name games for both PC and consoles.
What does that mean? The fact that I haven't played a MGS game before doesn't mean I shouldn't try the series.
You never suggested any of them in your first post. Only thing you wrote was that you would buy both, without stating reasons and only recommending me OTHER games, which wasn't an answer to the question I asked.
I haven't played any of the MGS games simply because I don't own a PS3/PS2.PS. I only have PS4. And being a poster for 7 years doesn't mean that I have to own every possible game on every possible console. I was simply a PC gamer until recently. As for your questions, I am going to answer them so maybe in the end you can give me a proper relevant answer to my question.
I like open worlds. I enjoy the open worlds of GTA, as well as the Arkham Series games. Both Mad Max and PP seem to have it (although PP seems more linear and mission-based), so that is ONE of the reasons why I can't decide which of the two I should pick. Both look cool. And Ground Zeroes's map wasn't very big, as it contained only 1 mission.
I also like the combat system in the Arkham series. Mad Max's combat system looks similar (although not as developed), but I also like the tactical approach in PP (although being a tactical game while probably require more patience). This is ANOTHER reason why I can't decide. Both look awesome.
Played Sleeping Dogs, thought it was an unsuccessful copy of GTA (with the exception of the good combat system). Have also played Rage (which, although it got certain ideas from the Mad Max movies, thought it was quite boring and repetitive). Still haven't tried Shadow of Mordor and The Warriors.
And since I have asked which of these two you would recommend, I probably find both of them awesome and have a hard time deciding which I should pick.
AKirkland, instead of wasting time NOT recommending any of the two and asking me questions, you could have simply written "Mad Max" or "The Phantom Pain". Thanks anyway.
Which of these two upcoming games would you recommend me for PS4?
I've never played any MGS game before, but the gameplay and graphics of The Phantom Pain look amazing. I recently watched several youtube videos to get into the story, and played the prologue (Ground Zeroes) as well. However, I don't know whether that would be enough to get me into Phantom Pain.
Mad Max on the other hand, also looks very good. I have watched the Mel Gibson trilogy and also enjoyed Fury Road. The game seems to combine driving and fighting mechanics pretty well.
Please post your suggestions.
I am really impressed by the gameplay and graphics of Phantom Pain and I really want to buy it when it comes out. However, I haven't played any of the previous MGS games, so I have no background on the story and not sure whether I should buy it, as not getting into the story wouldn't be interesting. I only have a PS4, so I won't be able to play the previous games. Any suggestions on what should I do? Thank you and much appreciated.
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