if you think about it time is every where.. i mean every day we are given 86,400 seconds a day...weird right...Thomas Edison said "that time is the most important things in the world"({502}venom312 said with this not including God He should be on top of everyones list)...
there is the past which gives us a sence of security and direction..there is the present..that everyday is a gift you must choice how you will send that gift that God has given you..and the future that gives us motivation and goals...
Here is a good poem on this...:
I have only just a minute
Just sixty seconds in it;
Forced upon me-can't refuse it,
Didn't sek it,didn't choose it,
I must suffer if i lose it,
Give accoun if i abuse it;
Just a tiny little minute,
But eternity is in it!
i dont know who said this but its something to remember...
a woman was on her death bed and she said all that i have all my stuff and i can even buy 1 second of time..so dont waist time go out and do something worth you while till next time bye