venom3161994316 Blog
goodbye every1
by venom3161994316 on Comments
back on
by venom3161994316 on Comments
i have be off gs 4 awhile. i will come on again but only once a week cause i have 20 bettr things 2 do. i dont even play games that much anymore. some times i wont play 4 days. but on the 1 day a week i come here i will try my hardest to help my unions. im glad its spring again so i can start playing tennis again. i couldnt play much through the winter so i just mainly rode my skateboard/bike and played video games. im reeal good at grinding on my skate board. now that its not cld im not gonna ply video games that much or be on gs. but illtry my hardest 2 be on. i cant wait till easter tommorow even though im not doing anything. i might go 2 my nanas house( im italian thats y i call her nana). any way ill be on once a week. maybe more if theres nothing 2 do that week. c ya round gs
new banner!!!
by venom3161994316 on Comments
colmiilois made me a rambo banner profile image and blog header. there real great. rambo haz always been my fav movies since the 1st 1 now 2 the new rambo. plus my friends were lying about the julie thing so i got in a fight 3 against 1( me being the 1) i actually won wwich made me feel good cause i beat 3 ppl. they were hurtin after i beat there A$$.the crowd was cherrin 4 me which waz also cool. there hasnt been anything else goin on. since its a lil cold out theres no tennis even though it florida. so ive just been playing games, praticing, workin out and hagin out plus the loads of school work.
do i really have 2 collect 120 stars in super mario galaxy???
by venom3161994316 on Comments
just wonderin cause i just got 61 stars and deafeated bowser and i was wonderin if i still beat the game even though i didnt collect all stars. cause i really dont wanna collect another 60. so have i beat the game with 60 stars and defeating bowser or do i have 2 collect 60 more???
new badge!!!
by venom3161994316 on Comments
level 19!!! plus top games of 2007
by venom3161994316 on Comments
well im finallylevel 19. i am really levelin up fast. btw i just beat vmd mode on dmc3 for the 3rd time.:D it was insanly hard but really fun. ive also been practicing at cod4 online and im pretty good now. also been playing asssains creed alot 2. i got my mid term report back. 1 d 3c's 2b's and 1 a:cry:. yeah i know its pretty bad but its mainly from never doing homework. plus in a couple days it will be christmas::!:! im pretty exicted. im going over friends houses and parting so i cant wait. i also have a tennis game on christmas 2 in the afternoon so thats cool. i got julie a couple of stuff but she fot most of the stuff. so presents and spending time with juliethentennis then party party party!!!!!! well im off cya around:D:);)
my top 12 2007 games
1. assasins creed(ps3)
2. ninja gaiden sigma(ps3)
4. call of duty 4 modern warfare(ps3)
5. uncharted drakes fortune (ps3)
6. heavenly sword (ps3)
7. rock band(ps3)
8.god of war 2 (ps2)
9. conan(ps3)
10. blacksite area 51 (ps3)
11. nfs prostreet (ps3)
12. resident evil umbrella chronicles (wii)
how did i get from level 15 2 17 in 4 hours
by venom3161994316 on Comments
julie woke me up early cause she had 2 go shopping and my cat was meowing like crazy so i just walked to the computer cause its 5 feet away .i was level 15 with 99% complete. thrn i go back 2 sleep wake up at 10 (julies still not home) and i check 2 see if im level 16 yet. it said level 17 minus world wtf!! thats a good thing but its just sorta stange how i went up that fast anyway im level 17 and never got 2 be 16 but who cares im 1 higher level!!! julie came back at 11:30 with so much stuff. plus i got a ma awsome banner and blig header cause my friend colmillios made them for me. shes the best!! i also sold beowulf and a bunch of my ps2 games that got rated below an 8 and got uncharted. so far its great!!
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