Me and one or two other people,both men, were on a flying device. And as I looked down below there was a mob wanting to attack us. We managed to fly around them, escaping their attack. Soon the mob dissapeared and we were crashing into the great sea,but we landed safely.
We used the flying device to float, and we pushed ourselves closer to shore. I didn't sense any real danger at first, until i looked behind me. What I saw caught my interest immediately, it looked like clouds were falling from the sky. big grey clouds. I could still see some light shining through them, but then that all changed. A Giant wave bigger then I've ever seen suddenly appeared in the direction of the falling clouds. It was a monster. Standing 50-100 feet tall and coming at us fast. My heart raced and I swam faster, but in no-time the giant wave was right behind us. In the center I saw a face. The wave had a face; A terrifying face with a big opened mouth, trying to gobble us up.
I sank, deep, deep underwater. So deep that the light could barely shine through. I was trapped in the endless ocean. without enough oxygen to reach the top, my mind went to the two people I was with. I thought maybe they reached the top. And it saddened me that I wouldn't see them again. I was dying. Then I woke up.
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