But anyways I don't think it matters, This was a long time ago when games couldn't get away with half of what they can now. Obviously a woman in a fighting game isn't a big concern now, so there's no need for Capcom to say Poison is a tranny anymore, as it was never important to her story, and was only said to avoid controversy.
-From wikipedia Originally conceived as a female thug in Final Fight and part of the game's antagonist group, Mad Gear, concerns about reactions from North American audiences to fighting women resulted in the character being changed to a newhalf.( futa)
Poison is a woman! The Japanese creators only called her a transsexual for the uptight feminist that couldn't handle a woman getting slapped around in a video game. In Japan she is considered a woman. She's completely female, so no need to feel guilty about admiring her beauty
vergil_lives' comments