I was reading an article today about it and square said that, final fantasy will be the only sony exclusive game.. they haven't annouced kingdom hearts yet, but the way the article sounded, they would most likely put it on the wii, as well as the ps3
I am a very big fan of the Kingdom Hearts games. I know that the 3rd one is a long way off from coming out. From all that I have heard personally, the game will come out on the PS2 exclusivly. I was wondering if anyone had heard anything different, because, The big thing for me with getting the wii was the lack of 3rd party games, that were up to quality with the other systems. I love Mario as much as the regular average 6 year old boy, but I would like to see a few other style games out as well.
Knowing that the makers of final fantasy have been discusing of putting a final fantasy game onto the wii, from the information I have heard from, I was wondering if Kingdom hearts as a possibity
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