@norolim @Fo_Fai Also, you forgot a very revolutionary game play. "SPACEBAR EEEEEVERRYTHING^TM!!!!" It will feature of course special support for console players. First time you boot the game or go into options. "Should we SPACEBAR EVERYTHING^TM!!!! for you" or "auto-spacebar everything^tm sensitivity".
@LesserAngel @Fo_Fai Yeah, where is that Bioware? Who pinned me to a bulky old can. Reading and reading hours after hours, I couldn't wait to get to a next chapter or in a next dialog. Just to see what's in store for us, how it's going to develop.
This reminds me of DA2 reviews from 1 to 10. I think it got like !55^10000000000!-with some quotes "IF YOU DIDN'T PLAY THIS GAME, YOU ARE EITHER UNBORN OR TOASTER!.
GO BUY IT OR COMMUNISM WINS, AND YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". @texasgoldrush You sir really need to open your mind or continue to live in a perfect little bubble that they created just for you. Because you are just so special. They devoted their time just to make you happy.
@Alpha1Nova If they are to make a "what happened ". I would be more for something very new either distant future, or surviving "colonies" of previous aliens and their contributions to save those who will come after them. Since Reapers reside in void space between galaxies. Perhaps some of them escape and get picked up by all previous generations that survived the cycle. By that I mean all those races made something like a giant refugee space hub, lol. And are battling completely different form of enemy. Enemy that makes Reapers children toys, but not in a our Milky Way. They get "saved" only to be thrown into a even more savage conflict. Something to that effect, that would be nice for me. I'm not saying that there is no ME without Shepard, but still ... For me it simply won't be the same, it would lose that ME1 awesomeness. You know, different people different tastes, right:)
@JBStone1981 @arkryne If the game takes place 100,000 years before ME3, then it would be in a time of Inusannon. We all know how that went, lol.
"The inusannon were a spacefaring race that existed at least 127,000 years ago. Little is known about them except that they warred with another race, the thoi'han, over colonization rights to the garden world Eingana, and that they inhabited Ilos at some point. The inusannon were eventually wiped out by the Reapers. Tens of thousands of years later, the ruins of inusannon civilization provided the Protheans with the knowledge necessary to develop mass effect technology."
@Alpha1Nova I don't understand, why is media obsessed with prequels. Aside from cashing on the poorly stolen story/plot. Do a search on story that came long before any of the Mass Effect games. That is a fact. I leave it to all of you to find what that game is. And you will see why it's a theft. What is the point of playing something you already know the outcome of every conflict in plot-holed end story. Timeline in this case is completely irrelevant. It's similar to what they are doing with Hobbit movie. Utter nonsense, I only ask why?! You already know how the complete Lord of the rings story ark ends. What is the point again? All conflicts can be done within the existing game. Example, stumbling upon a Prothean beacon that, I don't know teleports your spirit/mind so you can witness the events of the past. Since Protheans had the ability to sense the presence of others being in a room long before him. It could explain the existence of such technology in a game and so on,... Why make a complete game based on those events? For me personally ME1=masterpiece, ME2=some elements were improved at the expense of what made ME1 superior. All in all a very bad game except Arrival. In a long run it was completely pointless. ME3=no f*cking comment. If they decide to go "flashback mode" on a complete game, I will not touch it. Waste of time, also I know many others who feel the same. I will be glad for all of you who wish to "replay the past known outcomes", it's good for you. Me on the other hand will give them a wide berth. They could also introduce another element in game space battles or Protheans who managed to escape the Reapers. They could have done a lot with existing lore elements. And yet the chose not to. Why I don't know. I'm not the ceo of the Bioware. But, this company is a shadow of it's former self.
veryraiser's comments