No, you sir are not alone to think like that. The game it self is an abomination of Xcom series. I was playing on normal just to demo the game. I lost the count on how many times my ppl missed with 92% hit chance WITH THE **** SHOTGUN, that is an epic feat in it's own right. No matter how many times I load the game they just miss, no matter the position they take!!!!. It's either scripted or plain retarded game development. Intercepting vessels is a best described as a developers attempt to joke with ppl how loved and enjoyed original, all the while calling it amazingly super intelligent! Suppressing enemy unit or a group doesn't count as shot/ing. Let me get this straight, you are behind a card box, I fire say 2/3 of my magazine at you and none of the bullets actually hit you, yeah right!!!!. In what universe is that good thing. Not to mention absurdity such as making one step counts as same as scaling the the freaking skyscraper without using a ladder, whilst wearing a full battle armor/gear. Bro, not even a crash bandicoot and jazz jackrabbit can't do that kind of sh*t. Sure some things are improved such as graphics, that is if you don't mind the glitches. Also, having a destructible cover and not being able to shot while enemies are not present, not counting grenades and launchers is what? Idiotic at best. And please don't get me started at literally impossible angles at which most of the shots are coming from, mainly from your squad. Next, inability to target various body parts, I DON'T WANT TO SHOT EVERYTHING IN A HEAD FIRAXIS! Why can't you just use shotgun and blast the legs of chrysalids or mutons, and then watch them trying to infect or jump to balcony. Next, no inventory really Firaxis, I mean really?! Can't salvage medikit from a downed support, I don't want to perform a heart transplant on a battlefield, i just want to stabilize her/him! Next extremely annoying thing, why can't you take a pot shot/snap shot, why it has to be a burst. This just on top of head without going into a details. This game doesn't deserve to have an X in it's title, let alone a complete Xcom Enemy Unknown. I would be alright with anything else, but putting whole title like that is insulting to say the least. I understand that as a developers they have their vision of the game. That is completely cool in my book, they tried to give their version/vision of legendary Xcom. Again, that is alright, BUT DO NOT CALL IT AN XCOM ENEMY UNKNOWN. Call it Xjoke Firaxis attempt to cash in on a legend- Fans known. Because it is not, in this form it constitutes a robbery material and intellectual. And this is putting it lightly. Calling it dumbed down is understatement.
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