I'm on school holidays right now and I needed something to do to eat up some of the free time I now have. So, I decided to try my hand at Java! Right now I don't really get much of it, though I've gone the customary route and done a "Hello World!" applet. At the moment, it cuts off a bit at the top, but I'm not going to spend hours figuring out why. I think it has something to do with awt and how it positions stuff.
In other news, I played a little bit of Resistance 2 today on the "Difficult" difficulty. It gets pretty cheap at times and I came to realise I'll probably never plat the game (how did I not realise this a while ago?) due to the online trophies. I think I'll fool around with Ratchet & Clank and something else until Uncharted 2 comes out.
Anyone who has done a bit of Java, could they lead me to any decent tutorials that you may have used in the past?