So I was thinking of buying either SFIV or Tekken 6, which would obviously have to wait until later. Street Fighter IV was recommended to me, so I ended up buying it. So, I give it a go and realise that I'm quite bad, being new to the series.
Anyway, I've enjoyed it so far and even my dad likes it, so we can have some battles (even though he can't even do Hadoukens reliably) which is pretty cool. At the moment, I mainly play Akuma mainly because I can't do most of the more complicated special attacks and I frankly can't be bothered to learn at the moment.
Online is frustrating, not because of connection (which is good), but because I get my ass handed to me 90% of the time, hence my extremely bad win rate.
I'm going to stick with it though and see if I can get my win rate up and get some trophies, which may take a very long time.
Overall, Street Fighter IV is awesome, 9.5/10.