Faceless, insular and cruel.. words to describe most internet communities to a point but it rings especially true for oft-revered news/discussion site NeoGAF. I just don't get this place. I can respect the content users dig up but it's worse than Rotten Tomatoes for cliquey white noise and wannabe comedians. Everyone likes a good photoshop or a screenshot scoop, no one likes smarmy /b/tards typing for the sake of typing. At least I don't.
I don't get a kick out of perpetuating the latest meme craze. I don't want to keep up with the speed the conversations move at. Hell it took me years of lurking round these parts before I felt the urge to add something to the discourse. The regulars over there obviously know what they're talking about, good topics are brought up often. But the elitist crap that comes with it makes NeoGAF seem like one big toilet to me.
Gamespot Forums: same topics, 50% more fanboys, 100% less pretentious! Mmm mmm good.
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