- Buy a DS - The DS is (in my humble opinion) the best new system this gen. It plays all GBA games, it's got tons of software coming out, it's cheap and it's perfectly built for portable play. I never go anywhere without it and neither should you.
- Buy a PC or 360 - Both systems are excellent. The PC is obviously a much better piece of hardware but the 360 also has benefits such as price, simplicity and a unified online service. It's also much better suited for playing on a huge TV set (I play PC games on a monitor the way god intended!). The reason I think either system is fine is because of multiplatform development which is one of the most noticeable trends this gen. 90% of big budget console games this gen are multiplatform and the 360 and PC versions are both normally quite good. The PS3 isn't really an option here IMO because the multiplatfrom titles tend to suck and those that are good normally require a hefty install (which is a big issue given it is supposed to be a console and the hard drive's are quite small).The main thing seperating each system is the exclusives. The 360 excels at JRPGs, Action games, console FPS's like Halo 3 and other more "console type games" such as platformers.The PC has strategy games, WRPGs, more ambitious FPS's and Adventure games. Either choice is good although I personally went with a PC
- Buy a Wii - Yes I know I've said the Wii sucks (and it does). But the fact of the matter is that it is the clear market leader this gen. It is cheap, it offers different types of games than other consoles (more suited for local multiplayer and quick simplistic fun). It doesn't really have any multiplatform titles (apart from dumbed down ports) but it is by far the best bet for console exclusives.
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