Multilevel gaming requires tremendous focus and skill. The hard core gamers can find themselves in such an intense battle in a game that they forget to eat or even go outside to get some sun. They fear leaving their computer during a game will mean loss of the chance to move to the next level. They also know that, once their game is downloaded into their computer, any game has a multilevel limit that they may reach and can go no further. The cause of the limitation comes from the limited capacity of memory and storage within their own personal computer or Mac. They need worry no more because the solution to both those issues now exists through a virtual server with more storage and computing capacity than ever imagined.
Complexity, storage, and mobility have been considered a contradiction in terms before Cloud Computing and Storage. Several years of research has resulted in achieving all three simultaneously in one system. This research focused on the needs of business apart from gaming. Gaming, as the stepchild of the world of the business, lurked in its shadows. Modern American business with its "Rust Belt" remains of the industrial revolution may no longer have at its epicenter the manufacture of heavy equipment and vehicles, but that doesn't mean the end of manufacturing. American ingenuity has shifted that paradigm to create electronics and, through the freedoms of the Internet, virtual servers with seemingly unlimited somputing and storage capacities.
Microsoft has developed on-line servers through partnerships with specialists in computing, storage, and accessibility with very little streaming interruptions. The cloud computing and cloud storage when used for gaming goes beyond the limitations of the first generation simple games that now bore true gamers nearly to tears even while entertaining the traveler in an airport waiting a flight or while avoiding an irritating TV commercial. So the future of gaming using Cloud Computing and Storage through the access of virtual servers goes far beyond what the average gamer can imagine. The game will reach nearly unlimited levels and, the gamers can actually stop midstream, shut down the computer, take a much needed break, even go out to a restaurant for lunch, access a Wi-Fi system and reenter the game where they left off.
Imagine munching on that sub sandwich and dreaming about what's next.
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