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God Are You Lone Lee, Marry Me Break Up 2 Make Up - The singles Chart Review

enjoyable piece
i like the lyric/prose of this song. it's not the typical pop "walk/talk" rhyming. the story is very original. yo ho!
there is quite a lot going on here with organs, fireworks, rockets. most notably i think are the arrangements of the harmonies and the performance of them. this is quite a production. epic. the ivorys are very yes to my ear. the break was a little mathematical for my taste, but i'm big intop prog. so that's not YOUR problem. other than the instrumntal break being a little abrasive in comparison to the rest of the song, it is an enjoyable piece.

Very Nice! Smooth R&B
I love it! I like the beat of the song. It is so relaxing and it had me moving from side to side. The lead vocals sound very good! Your vocals have a beautiful tone and a good range. I really like the backup vocals also and the little giggles in the background here and there. The lyrics are nice and the melody is just smooth. I listened to it twice. This is a really good song! Good luck to you and best wishes. I would buy your record.

BreakUp 2 MakeUp

Gnarls Barkley, Kid Loco and a bit of confusion
Got a nice funk groove here gets the head bopping yet chill enough with mixed in sounds that remind me of chill european electronica ala Kid Loco. Doesn't seem to fit quite in to the Alt. Pop category. The piano work pushes it forward just enough as the vocals come in, with the reverby back vocals reminds me a little of Gnarls Barkley.

However, by 1:28 the whole beautiful groove that's been set up stagnants and the instrumentation never moves beyond its initial stages. Unfortunately, it turns into what sounds like an American Idol tryout, with multiple vocals going in multiple directions. The main vocals sound good, but the backing vocals, go in and out of tune. This doesn't work well.

If you can re-record I would definetly strip down the vocals to a very basic level first. Build up the instrumentation more and work from there. Right now, too much musically and melodically going on with very little focus, the great groove you set up early gets very confused very quickly.

If the vocals can be stripped down and the instrumentation could sound like the perfect pre-Saturday night song. Chill and slow-build.

Short and...
Sweet! Some great, almost breakbeat stuff. Alive drumbeat really keeps this moving along, with some great fills and synth variations in there.
Very short though! I would have loved for this to go on longer, maybe with a whole different sound to it--synths, or orchestra, or maybe just a bass! Overall, not bad though!

well its a lot of nice drums
i like this felling of break wen you do it
but i thing is to short for the cain of music it is

Very bluesy opening, I like that. Bouncy beat, it makes me want to jump up and dance to it. The singer has almost "Lenny Kravitz" sound to him. My head is bobbing to this rhythm of the beat. Good job.

nice beat
starts with an in your face beat thats quite good, the intros a bit on the long side oh... 90 seconds in and its abruptly stopped mid bar not really a song more of a 90 minute beat

Bang On!
Love the percussive dance feel of this track! Not overly done and a funky groove. Nice Work.

Make this review God R U Lone Lee's signature review

Great Guitar Intro
I like this track, it infectious and it's not what you normally hear on the radio, so that's what makes this track stands out. This song should be on the charts and the gay boys will like this track. I like the break-down and outros.

The vocal are tight and in the pocket, he's got a real nice voice.

The guitar works well with this track, at first I thought it was a rock song but then the drums kick in and sends this song into over-drive. I give you five stars and I hope other people catch on to this song 'cause its a well produced track.

I would like to hear other stuff from this artist.

sexy voice
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Guitars, Drums, Bass, Keyboards, Programming, Production, Lyrics, Melody, Beat, Mood, Originality, Best Dance Track.

Marry Me - Chart reviews are in! 

Dynamic is the key!
Great musicianship sets the mood for this song right away. Using speed to increase the intensity is a nice touch. The lead through the beginning, although a little shaky at times, shows skill and presence of mind. This song has a nice chord progression to it. I like the bounce between singing and screaming. Inside this track is a blast beat, which is then changed to a cut time groove underneath the same rhythm...very nice dynamic! This song has a great feel throughto the break. That is a tasty chord progression in the inst. break, with an equally tasty clean lead over it. When it kicks in, the dualing leads are well done! Great sweeps! All in all, I am glad to check this song out and will be sure to check out more from this artist.

For Real?
The song did a great job on the woh baby hook that kept repeating. I think you just dropped a fat ass beat and I'm talkin' bout a hit.

Alternative R&B?
This is an interesting song. The vocals are nice. And the mood is alright. There is a distinct feeling of back in the days of Motown vocals and lead vocals, it feels intentional because of the spacy tune. I warm up to the resulting effect but its an interesting tune.

Hangover music
Right away, the recording sounds like Diana Ross's Love Hangover.  "Oh Baby" part sounded hot.
The begging is a bit much, but I actually like the personality and desperation of it. Kind of sounds like a person who finds their love while intoxicated..

Very nice song!
vocals melody mood were in fine form--maybe a bit light on lyrics--song was a bit too safe--and maybe add some bottom end? good tune though, so I think its a hit for radio.

Extra Credit: Mood.