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videogame_king2 Blog

Woo, first udate of this forgotten blog in over a year.

Yes, you've seen it here first, I'm actually updating my blog, I havn't updated it in what, over a year or something. So, yeah, update time. Problem, I don't really know what to put on here as my update, I guess I'll just list cool stuff that's happened to me. I got an xbox 360. Got some new games for ps2 and the xbox. And did a bunch of other stuff, woo. Well, that's it I guess. Now watch me uterly neglect this blog for another year, see ya.


OK, I have totaly, uterly, and absolutly neglected my blog. heres my latest developments. At school I'm learning how multiply, divide, subtract, and add whole numbers, fractions, decimal, and even combonations of them. when the heck am I ever going to use that in real life. At home I'm doing homework, useing the computer, and playing my PS2. Game wise, my PSP broke, which really sucks, and I am running out of good games to play. Also, I am one of 4 co-founders for the up and comeing Creative Fans Union. Hope you enjoyed this blog :)

gettin better

Hey, expect to see alot more posts, rateings, and reviews from here on out. Plus for next week, prepare for ideas for the ULTIMATE video game. Trust me, it's going to be great. Here's a hint on it, it has NO boundries...almost.







For anyone who read my last blog, I couldn't get my level up. I leave for 2 days, and I'm near level 3.!!!AWSOME!!!

help me

OK, it says that anything you do formats to your level. Now how much stuff do I have to do to get 1% of my level full? All I wanted was to get to level 3 so I can write reviews. Why do I have a feeling that no one is going to read this? So, now I'm just going to type random letters, gfusfswjcisbwfdfhudfhugekuwhhbgevwgagdabsfdshsgycxcz. Sorry about that for anyone who is reading this. Just had to make sure. BYE