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Pikmin 3 (Wii)

In a distant future...

Captain Olimar has died and his son, Captain Olivar inherits all his father's Pikmin, along with a massive family fortune that he soon uses to buy a gigantic mansion. Instead of hiring maids, he uses his Pikmin as slaves to help him around the mansion.

You have been invited to Captain Olivar's mansion for the funeral of Captain Olimar, and you have seen the brutality of which Captain Olivar has used his Pikmin for. You decide to help the Pikmin overthrow their evil master, Captain Olivar, but you only have 20 days, each day an hour, to overthrow him before you are forced out of his house.

In this game, there are 5 types of Pikmin:

Red Pikmin - used for fighting enemies and pushing large objects

Yellow Pikmin - used for throwing bombs

Blue Pikmin - used for doing all the things Red Pikmin can do, only in water.

White Pikmin - used for dismantling, activating, or electrecuting enemies, or turning on or off switches.

Green Pikmin - used to poison plants by ejecting a poisonous gas from their nose - all Pikmin are immune to this gas.

Now, the real objective of this game is to move out the Pikmin's evil master out of the house by setting traps, pulling pranks, causing leaks, fires, floods, messes, and more without getting caught by Captain Olivar, his security robots, or giant bugs and beetles!

That would be so sweet!

Star Wars: The Revolution (Wii)

At first I thought it should be called Star Wars Wii, but that just sounds messed up. So I decided to call it:


, which was the Wii's original codename: The Nintendo Revolution.

What if you could play in every single movie, in:

Jedi FPS Mode (Where you are a main character in every mission in the game, as a Jedi)

Sith FPS Mode (Where you are a main character in every mission in the game, as a Sith)


Rebellion RTS Mode (Where you are a good general and you can conduct great battles in the movie with Pikmin-like controls and the ability to create new units)

Federation RTS Mode (Where you are a bad general and you can conduct great battles in the movie with Pikmin-like controls and the ability to create new units)

That would be so sweet!

If you were a Sith, the makers of the game could create a Wii controller tube for attaching two Wii controllers back-to-back so that you can have a dual sided lightsaber!

If you were a Jedi, the makers of the game could create a Wii glove so you can attach a second controller to the glove and you can perform sweet moves, like the "Force Push", or "Force Lightning".

That would also be so sweet!

Super Smash Bros. Dual Smash (DS)

What if...

There was a game called "Super Smash Bros. Dual Smash" for the DS. That would be super cool! There was only fifteen characters:

Basic Characters

  • Mario
  • Luigi
  • Donkey Kong
  • Link
  • Zelda
  • Fox
  • Falco
  • Pikachu
  • Samus
  • Kirby

Unlockable Characters

  • Metaknight
  • Pichu
  • Ganondorf
  • Wario
  • Peach

...and it had Wi-Fi connection for up to four people with two cartridges, and the two people without the cartridges only had the ten basic characters. The controls would be the same as SSBM, only the L button was the shield, and the R button was the Z button. That would be so sweet!