To me this sounds like short term gain but potential for long term pain for some of these 3rd party studios.
Yes, Microsoft is throwing a big pay day at them now but how some of their titles are utilized with the Game Pass model may actually hurt their overall sales in the long run (Unless Microsoft compensates them beyond this buyout.).
Then there is Sony. This is beyond bad news for them and I imagine they are scrambling right now to figure out a way to combat this strategic move.
The one good thing that may come out of this move is we might seem more innovation on Sony's front in terms of new IPs and potential new franchises being made. That being said Sony better put their nose to the grindstone as they no doubt have their work cut out for them.
Throwing bags of money at established franchises/companies to translate their success to their brand.
While I am in theory not against this completely I am worried that they could do the same thing in another year or 2 leaving almost no studios left.
Why does this worry me? Because if Microsoft owns pretty much everything there will be a stagnation in innovation. It always happens.
Right now things are primed for an all out blood bath for Sony and Microsoft but if Microsoft buys out say an EA, a Take Two, and a Ubisoft it might be over for any competition.
While there will still be companies out there (and Sony will of course have its stable of 1st party titles.) they just won't be able to keep up with pretty much every 3rd party developer being on another system. It will be just too much.
Hopefully it doesn't come to that but with Microsoft y'never know.
-"it's important to focus on the positive steps that will improve working conditions for the employees"-
Who said this will ultimately end up in better working conditions?
I love how people jump on to things and think the problems they are suffering through are due to a few bad actors.
Everyone lately is acting like this guy is Hitler and that if he is gone everything will not only go back to the way things were but every employee will be living in some game developer utopia.
Who is to say things won't get even worse now?
What if many of the problems facing these workers are conditions not just confined to their immediate work environment? What if there are bigger questions we as a gaming community need to be asking ourselves that go far beyond issues in the work place.
I for one hope this is a positive step in the right direction moving forward but when you are talking about the behaviors that comprise our fallen nature as human beings I wouldn't be surprised if this cycle just repeated itself.
At this point in time a better question is "What WON'T Microsoft own?", lol.
It's very hard to not believe Microsoft is trying their best not to do what Microsoft has done so well in the past... just stomp out competition by buying their way to victory.
I imagine the news today has to be a signal to Sony and Nintendo to watch out. Microsoft with this move has essentially said we are here in this space to stay and we no longer are satisfied with being a competitor.
I really don't know what else Sony and Nintendo can do other than stick in their lane and continue to put out good quality games. Perhaps they could do some studio acquisitions of their own but considering how huge Microsoft is I don't think their moves would be quite on the same level.
The good news is that I think we are going to see Sony and Nintendo up their game significantly in an attempt to keep gamers on their consoles. Remember, at the end of the day GAMES are what are going to bring people to your console.
Microsoft's strategy is to just buy up studios that have already done that without investing their time and resources in starting up new IPs/franchises in the hopes they take off. Sony has been the opposite for the most part. But with huge name games like COD and Fallout now arriving on Microsoft's platform exclusively (that's another issue.) will it even matter what others are bringing to the table?
Whatever happens I think we are going to be in for a rocky console war. Buckle up!
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